Who is this course for?
This course is intended for all FNUSA/ICRC employees interested in learning more about and working with REDCap. Fot the course no previous experience with the program is required. Before taking the course you must have access to REDCap. You can find out how to do that here.
What will you learn in the course
The basics of working with the system, creating questionnaires in both online and guided interview form. The seminar also includes basic functions for creating graphical reports. You can also ask specific questions about your project directly during the course.
Who will guide you through the course
The course is provided by the FNUSA Department of Biostatistics. Experienced data managers of this department will guide you through the course itself.
Why apply and participate in this course
In the course you will learn all the basics for working effectively with this program. The course will also include practical demonstrations for the participants to try out themselves.
Course duration
This is 1 lesson of 3 hours including discussion.
Language and venue
The course will be held in English at the FNUSA premises. Location and dates will be announced via website news and you can sign up by going to Registration form.
Course price for interested people outside FNUSA:
2,150 CZK (without VAT)
When does the course take place and how to register
The course is held repeatedly and it is possible to register for any free date in the registration form.